Monday, February 6, 2012

Marcy's Animal Blog- Sir Dudley Pug! "I Live A Dog's Life!!"

From Sir Dudley himself:

There are a few human expressions out there, depicting us canines as a lowly beast. For instance:
"I wouldn't wish that on a dog.." or "I'm in the dog house.." and "I'm treated like a dog.." These expressions indicate some human's  attitudes that dogs have it tough, are looked down on, and are often mistreated.

It is true that there are brother and sister canines out there that are not treated well. But for us pampered pooches, I think you humans would LOVE to have a dog's life.

There are downfalls, that's true. Waiting is a difficult thing to bear!

                                                      We have to wait for breakfast,

                                                                    wait for a table treat,

               Waiting for Auntie M to finish fluffing and puffing, so we can go for a walk is torture!

There are times I'm dying to run full bore down the street, but must walk at Auntie M's pace (and next to her!), and wait by the curb when cars go by. (Auntie M's rules!)

 For those of us who do not have "doggy doors", we have to wait to be let out to do our business.

Being consigned to the back seat is NOT my favorite thing!
Prime seating's gone when Owner Mama has a guest along!

But I do not hunt, nor toil for my food!

I don't have to clean up the mess when I drool my breakfast, though I do my best to help, being a neat nik.

If I want affection, I simply look pitiful.

"Cute" also works well!

I take naps whenever I want.

When the sun shines, I find a warm square on the rug to relax!

I often can coax Auntie M to play with me by offering her one of my "road kill" toys.

It's true that I'm available to give Auntie M CPR while she's doing sit- ups, if needed. But that's a rather selfish motive, since I really don't want to loose my walking partner.

Yes, there are times I'm asked to share my favorite recliner. I'm usually reluctant!

In fact, I go completely limp, and have to be moved, shoved, or slid. I don't even need to move a muscle, if I don't want to. (And I usually don't!)

I get a special treat, just for going to my crate at bed time! Sweet!

And I am provided with a nice clean and warm den to sleep in! Ah! It's cozy and covered!

All in all, I think most humans would like my life!

                                                          As for me, I'll take a "dog's life"

1 comment:

Willy said...

How cute is that Sir Dudley? Pugs have such personality. A dog's life IS a pretty good deal- when you've got Auntie M!