This is my baby pictures! My humans fell in love with me as soon as they saw me! When Auntie M came to stay with me the first time, she said I was a beautiful little lady!
As I got older, my man human took me to classes, to learn all sorts of things! I learned Stay, Sit, Wait, Come, and was working on walking on a leash! That last one was hard! My nose and hunting instincts always seemed to take over!
Here you see me focused on a frog, who always came to the patio to torment me!
When it was too cold to play outside, I'd ask Auntie M to play "pull" with me. She tried, but it just wasn't the same as when my male human played with me!
I think this was my first Christmas. Auntie M came to stay with me while my humans went to visit relatives!
I still had a problem with pulling when Auntie M and my humans took me for a walk. They found that threading my lead this way really helped me know what they wanted. Auntie M insists on being leader of the pack, so I have to walk right beside her until she gives me the "Okay" to sniff and roam! Of course, she kept telling me how good I was doing, which helps.
This is my female human! Isn't she beautiful? Michigan sure was snowy!
In the Summer my male human would take me fishing with him! How do you say "Happy" in dog language?
Auntie M always took me for long walks! Here I am, sitting at the pond near our place, watching the ducks swimming! How I wanted to go swim and chase those ducks, but Auntie M said NO!
Boy, was she tough!
By then I had mastered sitting and waiting for the command to accept the treat in Auntie M's hand. She told me I was an amazing young lady! I was pretty proud of myself too! That was HARD!
By then I was becoming a calm young Lady Luna! (I still loved looking out the window as people, canines, kids, and frogs passed by!)
Last Christmas I went to Auntie M's house for the Holidays.!
I loved the car rides!
Auntie M was a bit concerned that I may not feel comfortable at her house! But, as you see- I did fine!
And then I had to say goodbye to Auntie M! My humans and I were moving to Florida!
Auntie M was really sad to see me move, but understood I had to go where my humans went!
I have mastered the "Sit without lead and wait for command" before coming in after a walk!
And I've mastered waiting for command before coming for my meal- though I think I was licking my chops in this picture!
And now I live where it's warmer, which means longer walks and more sunshine! That's me at Halloween! I am happy in our new home!
So- that's my story! I hope Auntie M comes to visit one of these days. But, until then, I have good memories of the time we've spent together! She loved our walks and brushing me until my coat would shine! And she was the one who dubbed me "Lovely Lady Luna"!
From Auntie M: Next week I'll be featuring another canine- it will be a tribute to a wonderful fellow who has crossed over the rainbow bridge.
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