Saturday, January 7, 2012

Marcy's Animal Blog- Housekeeping- Sir Dudley"s Job!

You folks haven't heard from me for a while! I''m here to tell you- I'm EXHAUSTED! It's my job to make sure nothing is lying around that should be put away. Auntie M has lived with us for quite a while now. But she tends to forget the basic rule of the house- Don't leave anything out that could be carried away!

It's my job to remind her where she errs. Owner Mama is pretty good about having everything out of reach, though there have been a few times where I've even had to remind her! (Like when I ate a $20.00 bill). It was an expensive lesson to be sure, but her wallet hasn't been left within reach since, so I guess I did my job well.

Auntie M's shoes, for instance, do NOT belong under the table!

Her bathroom door is to remain closed!

The dining room table is not a storage unit. That is something I have to check often!

Plants should not be hanging over the sides. I think that looks messy!

Coats need to be hung up, not put on the washer!

When Auntie M peels an apple,my job is to  watch closely for  "misses and messes"!

I think Owner Mama and Auntie M have finally realized that I'm not a bad dog,  just a very neat one! I like a place for everything, and everything in it's place!

Hopefully Auntie M has gotten the message, because this job is not an easy one!

May you folks all have a wonderful, NEAT and TIDY New Year!


Angelique Andrae said...

he's so cute...and helpful!

Janet said...

LOVE the picture of Dudley peeking over the table!