Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Marcy's Animal Blog- A Rescued Runt!

Hello!  I am Macie, a Labrador Boxer Canine!  I am also a rescue dog!  This is my baby picture!

My owners found me in Howell, Michigan- at a Last Chance rescue!

I was all alone in the cage, curled in a tight little ball!  My siblings had all been adopted, but not me. No one wanted me, because  I was the runt of the litter!   I sure was scared!

See this beautiful lady?  She saw me, took me out of the cage, and held me close on her lap!  I let out the biggest sigh!  Her lap felt like home!  It felt like LOVE!  She heard my sigh- and knew we belonged together!  She said we sort of rescued each other!

As you can tell, I have enjoyed being part of their pack!  I love riding in the car, the boat, and being where ever they are!  Though I'm very attached to my female owner, I get very excited to see my male owner too!

I've also grown to love Auntie M- when she comes to take care of me!

Now I'm almost 5 years old!

Auntie M has some strict rules about "The Walk"!  I sometimes get excited and pull on the lead, so she wraps the lead like this.  It gives me a better idea what she wants.

Auntie M says I'm a fast learner, and the best of both my Boxer and Labrador mix!

She never calls me a runt, saying I'm the perfect size for the family that chose me!

Auntie M had her Granddaughter come to visit me.  The little girl was very gentle.  Auntie M says I have a worried look on my face!  I guess I look that way a lot.  My female owner says I need to lighten up!

I really like kids.  I just am always a bit unsure of new ones-- until I get to know them.

This is my favorite chair!  From here I can see what's going on outside!

We have deer that pass along our yard- and you can imagine that makes me really excited!

Auntie M likes to get up really early, sit outside on the porch- and watch the sun come up!

It's all a bit early for me!  I look like I'm falling asleep in the chair!  But I love to keep her company- so there I am!

We just had a big snow storm!  I got so excited that I ran and ran in all that white stuff!

Auntie M didn't join me!  She just stood on the porch saying "Oh My!" I guess she doesn't like the snow as much as I do!

After my "Running like a crazy dog"- a good long rest was needed!

Ahh! It's a dogs life for sure!!

When the snow storm kept Auntie M from going anywhere- she decided a good movie and a nap was a good idea!

I joined her!

Auntie M calls me a lovely little lady.  Since I have figured out how to open the doors here, she says I'm also pretty darned smart, even though I open her bedroom door and  join her in bed!  The first time I did that-  well let's say she was very surprised when she woke up in the morning!

She seems to get quite a kick out of the way I sit on the stairs, for some reason!

My owners and I are indeed a good match for each other!  Just think, people called me an unwanted runt!  And now I'm a devoted companion and important member of this family!

 If you folks are thinking of adding a "Fur Folk" to your family, please consider looking at the "Last Chance Rescue" places near you!  Because even a mixed breed runt like me can become a wonderful gem of a family member!

From Auntie M:  Macie is just one of the many "rescue" animals I have the joy to care for.  Many of the mixed breeds seem to actually be hardier then some pure breeds - and with proper training of exercise, discipline, and affection they become well adjusted members of the family-  no matter what their background!

Thank you for following along as Macie shared her journey from lost little runt to happy and healthy pup!

Until next week, take care!

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