Wednesday, September 10, 2014- It's Been A LONG Time! My Life Has Gone To The Dogs! (Sprinkled With A Few Felines!)
It's been five crazy months since I last posted a blog! So now I'll try and catch up! (This is what I get for writer's block!) Ha! So bear with me folks, while I relive 5 months in pictures!
I last left you folks the first part of April, getting ready to leave South Carolina- and the three beautiful families I had visited there.
This was our girls day out before I left for Michigan. At the back- left to right: myself, Jamie, and Dawn's daughter Katie. In front is my wonderful hostess Kim (on the left) and Dawn (on the right).
The three grown girls I've known since they were babies! They are the daughters of my best friend, Gail Wyatt. They are wonderful, loving, warm people with delightful families! I have the pleasure of calling them wonderful friends!
On returning to Michigan, I was greeted with a familiar sight!
But, I had little time to hunker down in my blankets and wait for sunshine! It was family time!
My oldest son Steven is a human tree for his children to climb! Evan and Payton enjoy this as much as their daddy! I enjoyed some family time with these folks (daughter-in-law not shown here)- and a few dinners out too!
On to my Canine adventures!
I had the pleasure of caring for these three wonderful pups! The Black Lab at the back is Hailey, the Golden Lab on the left is Sally, and the youngest and friskiest on the right is a shepherd mix named Koda. I have to say, these dogs are wonderful to care of, great on the leash and obedient in the home. My only issue was with Koda, who always wanted to be first out the door! As "pack leader", I had to be first, but it took no time at all for him to comply! Lovely animals!
Next was Gabby, a fabulous rescue boxer! Gabby is deaf, and was scheduled to be put down if not adopted within a short time. It seemed people didn't want a deaf dog. Her now owners found out about her plight, went from Michigan to Ohio, and rescued her. And she's wonderful! She responds to sign language and her lead wrapped from her collar around her middle, so she knows what is wanted on the walk. Isn't she beautiful? What a shame it would've been to have her put down! God bless her owners, who just adore her!
We can't forget Otto, the dancing elderly dachshund! This cutie is 14 years, 8 months old- but will still dance for food!
Now- in the midst of all this Canine happiness, I rented a house! So, in my spare time I landscaped the garden beds with rocks and planted flowers! Then I had my first event there for my card club buddies! What fun!
What's a get-together without good munchies! I love to entertain, so this was a special event for me- to have a home where friends are welcome. What a blessing!
And then there were more pups!
Here are two more reuse dogs- Hunter(on the right) and Jasper (on the left). Sweet dogs belonging to great people!
This is Murphy, nick named Big Boy- and that he is! He's a newfoundland! The story behind this "look" he gave me: I had rollers in my hair, went into the garage to check on him, and he actually did a double take! I say this look is saying "What the Hell.."! LOL!
To the left is sweet Hope the Black Lab with her side kick Lucy, Boston Terrier. Lovely dogs! Lucy keeps Hope young, I think, wanting to always play. To the right is Max, elderly Airedale. Max is also a sweetie- but has to take it easy. He now has arthritis issues.
Time out for some Nonna time with the Grandkids, Payton and Evan! We were having an "In Car" breakfast picnic!
The three below belong to the same family- Left is Sadie, center is Bailey, and right is elderly German Shepherd Avery. Lovely to watch after!
These two kitties are absolute opposites, though belonging to the same family! The black one is called Melody, and the look on her face says "Leave me alone!" One the right is Jill, who is the extravert of the two! I was warned the I might get scratched by the black one, but managed to avoid getting wounded!
This is Coco, a Bernese Mountain dog, not much smaller than the Newfoundland's I take care of! I've got the giggles here, because our selfie didn't go as planned! Coco decided she wanted to wash the makeup off of my face! What a HOOT! Ha!
These three are quite the trio! There's little Ricco on the left. For what he lacks in size he makes up for in attitude! He is definitely leader of this pack! In the middle is Blu- beautiful, smart, and a handful to walk! (But I'm as strong willed as she is, so we get it done!) And on the right is Ruby, very smart little Beagle who sort of tunes a person out if she doesn't care for the commands! What a trio! Fun!
Last, but by far not the least is Lady Luna! Luna has become a wonderful delight to work with! Here she is after her walk and brushing, in the "sit/stay" - waiting for me to tell her to come in the house!
Whew! As you can tell, this Summer has been a whirl wind of moving, planting, Canines, Felines, and Family!
I'll close with a picture of me with my younger son, David. David makes my 5 foot 6 inches look short! I love spending time with my sons! Here we are after one of our favorite meals, Sushi!
Now that Fall is here, school has started, and my writer's block is vanishing, please check back with me for more adventures! Until then, remember- Life is a wonderful adventure, even when it's a bumpy ride!
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